Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our Fence Specialists are Looking Into It

[caption id="attachment_624" align="alignright" width="300"]Looking Into Fence Hole photo:,knothole/Interesting[/caption]

Did you hear that the hurricane blew down the fence around the Nudist Camp?


Yes. Our fence specialists are looking into it.


  1. Two line jokes are a win win situation. If it's not funny there wasn't much time wasted. Not that this wasn't kind of funny. I mean... kind of.

  2. Pretty funny one, Guys. Pretty Funny.

  3. Two line jokes are a win win situation. If it's not funny there wasn't much time wasted. Not that this wasn't kind of funny. I mean... kind of.

  4. the oxygen intake and therefore, still requires oxygen. She does not have the energy and wears out quickly due to this lack of oxygen. In your charity, please keep her recovery in your prayers.6 foot chain link fence
