Out here on Day Street in Orange, NJ we've always kept a yard dog or two around, and believe me, they are loved. So we wanted to offer a little honorarium and introduction to our readers who may have known them over the years as well as to those that missed out.
Weather permitting, they'd have the run of the fenced in yard by night and be in and out of the shop by day.
The list of Academy’s best friends - the few, the strong - must include:
Bell - There at the beginning, our snappy, snippy little, ultra-fierce queen bitch was fiercely loyal to her principles, but mostly to Louis R. Those who met her still speak of the thickness of the chain she bore during the day in the metal shop… and how even that left them feeling insecure when her rules were tested.
Tuffy - Good old friendly, fun, alert and protective Tuffy was a dark wolfish shepherd, and everyone’s buddy. He started at his life at the family household where he bonded with the Cavallo family on South Valley Road in ‘The Valley’ of Orange, NJ. He was afraid only of Uncle Dominick which was attributed by Dominick to the fact that at one point he had taken him to the veterinarian. But he sure ran for cover whenever he saw Uncle Dominick coming. When Tuffy was full grown he inherited his true domain, the Tuff Fence (the name under which Academy Fence Company originated) facility on Day Street in Orange NJ. He acclimated quickly and served in harmony with Bell. Mutual Respect? Who knows, because Bell didn’t take to many.
Ruffy - An accepted johnny-come-lately bruiser with an enormous head with a thick body and wide stance, Ruffy was cool headed and well behaved, but looked like you wouldn't want to rile him up. He had a low-pitched bark and might be considered a baritone, if they had dog choirs. He was a subdued character and was rarely riled.
Tuffy Two - At least half sheppard, and probably up to half great dane, Tuffy Two was also lovingly raised at the family household. Tuffy Two was grudgingly (by some family members) released from full time home, part-of-the-household family dog to operate a post at the Academy Fence Headquarters on Day Street in Orange, NJ. To exactly which family member or members Tuffy Two was attached was a much disputed controversy.
With his flawless attitude, all dogs - and even some riley wolfs - would benefit from knowing Tuffy Two. Quintessential. Classic. Tuffy Two defined the reason dogs are our best friends.
Loop Cap - Loop Cap was a small, loveable shepherd and everybody knew she was Dino's buddy.
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Sereno - Sereno's name came from the Italian word for serene, meaning clear, serene, calm, cloudless, sheltered. He was acquired when one of us asked a man walking a dog if he had another one like him (ie: from the same litter). As it turned out, the man said he was walking him for the pound, and we could probably follow him back and take him. We did. He was predominantly shepherd, but his squarish head revealed some rottweiler genes. Super cool dog.
Let us know if you have any cool memories of the Academy Dogs over the years.
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