Maintenance Free
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Specrail Brand Aluminum Fence[/caption]
Unlike other types of fences, a properly constructed and coated aluminum fence is virtually maintenance free!
Aluminum does not rust like iron, which is classified as a ferric metal which will oxidize and rust. Aluminum is non-ferric and will not rust.
Many people do not realize that aluminum is a chemical element, which it is estimated will take over 10,000 years to disintegrate. It is also the third most abundant element, next to oxygen and silicon.
Aside from keeping shrubs and trees trimmed back from the fence and cleaning it with soap and water, or just a powerful garden hose sprayer, the only concern is the potential of bending the aluminum with heavy lawn or garden equipment, in which case replacing the damaged fence parts is not a large project.
Aluminum, steel and iron fences are typically more secure than wood or chain link because wood fences can easily be scaled and chain link fences can easily be cut, while aluminum, steel and iron fencing with spear-topped pickets make for a harder fence to breach.
less impenetrable than steel or iron panels, the aluminum fence easy to install, attractive, resistant to corrosion, and effective at preventing unwanted guests or pests from entering an area, and in keeping children and pets within a designated area.
Aluminum fence panels are very lightweight, especially in comparison to steel, iron or wood.
Since aluminum fence panels are often used to fence in an in-ground pool, the panels almost always meet pool regulations. In many places, this means that the panels will be eight feet tall (2.43 meters) or higher. The panels can be affixed to posts composed of aluminum or other materials such as wood, steel or iron.
Aluminum fence panels come in an array of designs that often mimic the common designs of other fencing material such as iron and steel, and typical designs feature two or three horizontal beams interlaced with several vertical posts.
Most aluminum fence panels are of a simple design, though a wide variety of elaborate designs are also available. The color of the panels is typically black, though other colors are usually available, with white being the second most common color for aluminum fence panels.
Aluminum fence panels, due to their light weight, are much easier to move, ship and handle than their wood, steel or iron counterparts. They are also typically
Fencing a sloped yard can be a challenging fence project, but a rackable fence panel is a panel that can adjust to follow the slope of the landscape. Whereas standard fence panels have a profile that is rectangular, with rails that run perpendicular to the pickets and posts, a rackable panel is designed with flexible connections that will angle up to 30 degrees (residential grade).
While Vinyl PVC Fencing is geared more toward privacy than aluminum, privacy screens and slats are manufactured for aluminum fence and aluminum privacy fence is also manufactured. At about the same price as vinyl pvc (but more secure) or steel (lower-maintenance) fence, aluminum fence is for many, the path of least resistance.
Please browse the Academy Fence selection of Aluminum Fence and feel free to contact a specialist at Academy Fence with at least twenty years experience in
aluminum fence installation and supplies with any questions, and as always your comments are welcome.